NCAA Decision on Tennessee Recruiting Scandal Looms
This is an interesting article discussing Lane Kiffin and the time he spent at UT two years ago. If you remember back about 15 months there was the controversy around a few of the schools "Hostesses" who drove to South Carolina to watch the game of potential UT recruits. NCAA Bylaw 13.01 lays out who can recruit off campus and also makes clear that the University is responsible for recruiting activities undertaken by the school. Unless you are a countable member of the coaching staff who has passed the NCAA recruiting test, you should not be recruiting PSA's. Period.
What seems to be the new information that has come out in this article is that one of the UT coaches was encouraging these "Hostesses" to call/Facebook the UT recruits in order to recruit them and/or gather information on how their other visits have gone. This is a big don't for any coach; you should never encourage current student-athlete's, current students or boosters to have interaction with PSA's at any time. It appears all of this has lead to rumors that UT will be charged with "Failure to Monitor" the actions of its football staff during the 09/10 year. The interesting twist to this that they may penalize Kiffin and the other coach for their actions at UT, even though both coaches are now with new schools. As the article points out this is not new, but may be somewhat uncommon in NCAA violations. If it turns out to be true, it just goes to show you that you can't escape your past just by heading off to a new school.