Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Compliance Tip of the Week #9

Today's tip of the week is regarding the delayed enrollment proposal that was passed around this time last year.  It was called 2009-22 a year ago, and it carries an effective date of August 1, 2011, when it be called Bylaw covering delayed enrollment.  If you are not familiar with the text of the bylaw, here is how it will read in next years NCAA manual:

14.2.3 Criteria for Determining Season of Competition.
[ unchanged.] Delayed Enrollment -- Seasons of Competition. Sports Other Than Men's Ice Hockey, Skiing and Tennis, Swimming and Diving and Women's VolleyballA In sports other than men's ice hockey, skiing and tennis, a student-athlete who does not enroll in a collegiate institution as a full-time student in a regular academic term during a one-year time period after his or her high school graduation date or the graduation date of his or her class (as determined by the first year of high school enrollment or the international equivalent as specified in the NCAA Guide to International Academic Standards for Athletics Eligibility and based on the prescribed educational path in the student-athlete's country), whichever occurs earlier, shall be subject to the following:
(a) The student-athlete shall be charged with a season of intercollegiate eligibility for each calendar year after the one-year time period (the next opportunity to enroll after one calendar year has elapsed) and prior to full-time collegiate enrollment during which the student-athlete has participated in organized events competition per Bylaw 14.02.9.
(b) After the one-year time period, if the student-athlete has engaged in events competition per Bylaw 14.02.9, on matriculation at the certifying institution, the student-athlete must fulfill an academic year in residence before being eligible to represent the institution in intercollegiate competition.
If you remember our discussions from last spring, it means that students will have a one year window following their high school graduation date to compete in outside competitions.  If they continue to compete in outside competitions beyond that date, they will be subject to the penalties listed in (a) and (b) above.

We are currently checking graduation dates of students who have signed NLI's or who we know will be enrolling in the fall to determine who we may need to follow up with.  If your sport has a PSA in that situation, we will be in touch with you about that.  If there is a student who you feel we should get in touch with, please let us know who they are so that we can follow up as well.