Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tennessee Basketball Avoids Violation

Tennessee's Woolridge Scouts Locations for Video

As we started the second semester last week, I met with each team individually to discuss several important topics; one of which is extra benefits.   My point was to remind everyone that extra benefits can be many things, it does not have to be a wad of cash, a free car or a free bag of clothes- even though that is what immediately comes to mind when you mention extra benefits.

Although the people at Tennessee determined that this incident was not a case of extra benefits, it is a prime example of what I stated above.  Things like free rides home, discounts on rentals or purchase or any special arrangement that is due to a student's reputation as a student-athlete could be considered an extra benefit.  In other words, if the bar let Renaldo Woolridge film his video in the banquet room free of charge, and they would have charged a rental fee to other students/ general public then that could very well constitute an extra benefit under Bylaw 16.11.2.  From what has been reported, it seems the bar let Renaldo "check out" the room for possible future use, which I'm sure they would let anyone do; thus, avoiding the violation.  Nonetheless, the scenario, had it gone down, is an excellent illustration of the point I was trying to make with all of your teams last week regarding Extra Benefits.