Saturday, January 15, 2011

Compliance Tip of the Week #3

Coaches, we have two bonus tips of the weeks for you today.  These are both relating to school starting back up on Tuesday.

#1: With school starting again on Tuesday, please remember that we will need to start keeping track of all CARA activities again on your weekly logs.  Logs for the first week of second semester will be due to the compliance office no later than Noon on Thursday January 27th.

#2:  Requirements for Practice:  Please remind all of your student-athletes that to be eligible to participate in practice activities they need to be enrolled in a full-time course load of 12 units or more, per Bylaw  Compliance and academics will be checking this all week to keep you updated.  As you know, there is an exception to this Bylaw for the first week of class, the exception is Bylaw  We will be checking enrollment status in the afternoon next Friday January 21st, anyone not enrolled FT by then will be changed to a NO for practice on the ESR starting Saturday January 22nd.  Please encourage your kids to get in a full-time course load now before classes fill up.

We will be generating ESR's for all teams on Tuesday afternoon, expect to see those in your email then.  Hard copies will also be placed in your mailboxes.

Best of luck this semester, let's make it a good one for Lumberjack Athletics!!!