Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Cost of an NCAA Major Violation

Boise State Puts 200K Into Investigation

 It recently came out that Boise State has spent over $200,000 on outside council to defend themselves against the 22 allegations their program faces.  The school has sought the services of two separate law firms that specialize in NCAA compliance cases since they were first informed of the allegations nearly two years ago.  The law firms, combined with the efforts of in-house legal council and compliance staff, drafted a 1,500 page response to the NCAA allegations. Despite the money and the man hours that have gone into BSU's defense, the school has still self-imposed penalties as a proactive response to the allegations.  It remains a possibility that the school can still face additional penalties after appearing before the NCAA Committee on Infractions later this summer.  All in all, it goes to show that you can invest a great deal of time and money into an infractions defense and still not get off the hook without any penalties; which goes to show that following the rules from the start is the way to be.