Monday, May 9, 2011

Compliance Tip of the Week

Strike Zone is a baseball student-athlete at Ocean State College (OSC).  Strike is going to transfer to another institution this fall and has received permission to contact other institutions.  One of the schools that is recruiting Strike is Bay State University (BSU).  The coaches at BSU are hosting a few summer camps in June and July and would like Strike to work the camps.  Is it permissible for Strike to work the camps?

No.  NCAA Staff Interpretation- 5/2/11- Four-Year College Transfer Employed at Institutional Camp (I)- states that a four-year college student-athlete who has received written permission to contact another NCAA institution is considered a senior prospective student-athlete. Therefore, such an individual may not be employed (either on a salaried or volunteer basis) at an institutional football camp. In sports other than football, such an individual may not be employed at an institutional camp (either on a salaried or volunteer basis) if he or she is being recruited by that institution or if he or she was a high school, preparatory-school or two-year college athletics award winner.