NCAA Clears Auburn Football
The Enforcement staff at the NCAA has cleared Auburn of any major violations related to the recruitment of Cam Newton; though they do reserve the right to reopen the investigation if any new information surfaces in the case. Both Julie Roe Latch and President Emmert had vowed to complete a full investigation into the situation when all of this news broke last fall. The NCAA has made a point of following through with punishment in the recent "high-profile" cases, though in this case it was stated that this case did not meet the "burden of proof", perhaps suggesting that there was something there, just not enough to file a major violation.
However, this does not mean that the NCAA is dropping the issue of runners/ agents and over-involved parents. This years legislative cycle included a proposal that would expand the definition of an agent. In a few months after the NCAA Convention we may find out if President Emmert's efforts to close the "Cam Newton Loophole" will pay off by cracking down on agents and the shopping around of student-athlete's.