Former UT Coach Paid for Unofficial Visit
A coach on Lane Kiffin's USC staff, who recently resigned, is now rumored to have provided expenses for a PSA to make an unoffiical visit to UT. There is a big difference between NCAA Bylaws 13.6 (Official Visits) and 13.7 (Unofficial Visits) and at the heart of those differences is who is paying for the visit.
Students coming to campus on unofficial visits can drop in at any time, since there are (at least currently) no age restrictions on when a PSA can take an unofficial visit. On the unofficial visits, our coaches cannot have off-campus contact with a PSA and we cannot purchase meals for them. All of that changes when a student is on an Official visit; where the institution can provide transportation, lodging and meal expenses for a student. However, with those privileges, we must limit all of our official visits to no longer than 48 hours.
Just some brief reminders on the do's and don'ts of hosting recruits on campus. One final reminder that all officials visits need at least seven days pre-approval, while all unofficial visits need to be logged and tracked for your records.