Tuesday, February 1, 2011

National Letter of Intent: Signing Day February 2nd

Right now we are a little less than 15 hours from National Letter of Intent signing day here at Northern Arizona University.  Tomorrow morning at 7:00AM fax machines in athletic departments all across the country will be receiving NLI documents from high school students in many different sports.  Here at NAU it will be signing day for our women's soccer team, men's and women's XC/track & field teams as well as the football team.

Once a prospective student signs and submits a valid NLI document, they are committed to attending that school for one full academic year.  That student is also then off the market, they cannot be actively recruited by other schools after signing an NLI; and for coaches here, the day after we receive a valid NLI our coaches can have increased contact with their commitments.  If you are a booster checking in here, please remember that you are not allowed to interact with any prospective student-athlete until that student has attended either a class or an official practice in the fall according to Bylaw 13.01.4.

If you are curious to read more about what a National Letter of Intent is, or how the process works, below are a couple of interesting articles that offer some information about that big day in February (not the Super Bowl):

Evolution of the NLI

Improving the NLI: From a Compliance Perspective

We hope to have a busy day tomorrow here in the Athletics Department.  As always, NAU Athletics will have all the latest news on the signing as they come in tomorrow morning.